I've been tagged by
Acumamakiki for 5 weird things about myself, though I could have made a much longer list.

1. In my 20's I stayed awake for almost 4 days, with only small cat naps here and there. I did it on purpose to see what would happen. Towards day 4 I started to hallucinate conversations. I halluciated that there was a little man sitting in a shopping cart beside me in the store. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, I was afraid to look at him, he was just sitting there staring at me, it was then that I decided to end my experiment and went home and crawled in bed.
2. I call myself a vegetarian but I eat bacon. I love it and will eat it whenever I get the chance, I know this goes against all vegetarian rules, but I don't care, bacon is good.
3. I have a quarter sized dark brown oval birthmark on the back of my left calf. It looks like a smashed meatball. At the beginning of every summer for the first week or so my legs are exposed I'm very self conscience, but then I pretty much forget about it. You think I'd have made peace with it since I've had it my whole life, but I haven't.
4. (this is my new #4 since the other one didn't really count as weird) During my last month of pregancy I had to pee standing up. I had to straddle the toilet, for some reason nothing came out sitting down.
5. I once licked a public faucet in hopes of catching a cold and missing work. It was a sink in the breakroom of Virgin Records I worked at and I knew sick people were using the sink, so when it was empty I bent down and licked it. Writing that, I think that my be the most disgusting thing I ever did, funny thing is I didn't get sick. It really makes no sense to me looking back because I called in sick even if I wasn't sick.
Ok I tag
Darren, and