Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
We went to Bishops Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland this weekend. We usually go up to Apple Hill but thought we'd try something new this year. It was so much fun, really fun for the kids.
We decided to just get one really big pumpkin for our family this year. We all got on the hayride which drove us out to the pumpkin field.
There were pumpkins everywhere. It was fun hunting for just the right pumpkin. Jack kept tripping over the pumpkins though and so he was crying a majority of the time.
The petting zoo was fun and smelly. As much as I like all the cute little animals in the petting zoo I always feel like I need to take a shower and scrub myself down afterwards. The goats like jumping up on people like they were little dogs. They were really cute though.
The highlight of Jack's day was the ride on the train. We went through a big tunnel, he loved that, I think he would have stayed on that train all day if he could have. All and all the day was a blast. We ate apple pie and nachos for lunch, strolled around, and went on a giant tree house slide. There was a huge corn field maze, we didn't go in though, I kept having thoughts of us walking around in there, the sun beating down on us, stuck for hours with Jack and Stella both crying...That thought was enough to keep us away. Tonight we are going Trick or Treating!!! yippeee candy here we come.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Friday, October 28, 2005
Dinner with Grandma

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Things I love right now:
1. The book "Confessions of a Supermom"
2. Story time at the library
3. The new Ashlee Simpson album
4. Yum Yum cookies (aka Fibar Balls)
5. Yopait custard style yogurt in Vanilla
6. The overcast weather
7. Dancing to the Black Eyed Peas with my kids
8. Pancakes with butter and syrup
9. Green tea and a yum yum cookies during the kids naptime
10. Martha Stewart apprentice
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Fire is the topic this week over at Mama Says Om

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Self portrait Tuesday: Self Documentary #4
Date Night

Monday, October 24, 2005
Bubble Pop Electric

I had an AWESOME weekend. It started with John taking me out on the funnest date ever and ended with the Gwen Stefani/Black Eyed Peas concert. I'll share more about our date tomorrow.
This was the BEST concert ever. I really don't think I've been to any others that were as fun. The Black Eyed Peas were so great!! they seriously could have done a whole show on their own. I knew they would be fun to see,but they blew me away. If the concert had ended with them I would have left completely satisfied.
But then Gwen came out and it seemed like I stopped breathing. She was dressed in all white with 6in black heels. She started with Harajuku Girls and then went on to play all her hits, she skipped and pranced around the stage like she was in sneakers. She sounded so great!! John and I had sooooo much fun. I wish we could do last night all over again.
Friday, October 21, 2005

I was tagged by MOMster for 20 mem's,( little facts about myself), I'm tagging Heidi, Lorissa, Molly, Kimberly,
1. The words lotion, motherload, and nausea make me cringe.
2. My mother-in-law thinks I still run. When she brings it up to her friends in my presence I can't tell her I stopped because she seems so impressed.
3. I feel dumb because I didn't go to college
4. Sometimes I read the last page of a book first. I feel guilty when I do it and I tell myself it's ok because I'll forget it by the time I get to the end, and I always do.
5. I love the color of my hair.
6. Sometimes I pretend to like my friends dogs but I really dislike all dogs.
7. When I was 15 I pierced my own belly button.
8. Everytime I smell a skunk I think these words "this skunk smells like a monkey would taste" I say it EVERY time. I don't know when I started this or why, but I think it might be true, but I'll never eat a monkey so I'll never know.
9. I love watching the food network.
10. I went skydiving when I was 20.
11. I'm afraid of water slides and I swear I will never go on one.
12. I used to steal alcohol from my dads bottles and replace what I took with water, I would put it in a tupperware container and go to my room and drink it.
13. I bite my nails.
14. Last year I memorized all of psalm 139
15. I can burp the alphabet, actually I can say anything in burp talk.
16. I was asked to my senior prom my a cute boy I didn't know. I was flattered and excited. 2 days later he uninvited me saying someone else who turned him down originally ,changed her mind. I smiled and said I understood but I was really really hurt. I never went to any school dances. :(
17. The thinner I get the better I feel about myself.
18. I believe my husband is the nicest man I've ever met.
19. When I was 17 I went to Mexico and helped build a playground for poor children. I was there a week and cried everyday.
20. Once when I worked at wendy's as a teenager I found a dead fly in a salad dressing container in the salad bar. Instead of picking it out I look the ladle and plunged it to the bottom..... I am evil. :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Self Portrait Tuesday: Self documentary #3
Rise and Shine
Sunday, October 16, 2005

Friday, October 14, 2005

Who created my beautiful new blog look you ask? That would be none other than the magnificent JOLEEN. Joleen I absolutely LOVE it. Thanks for sending your creativity this way, it was greatly needed, thanks for the time it took to do it, and thanks for wanting to do it. I want to learn how to do this too so I can spread the blogger love around like you do.

Thursday, October 13, 2005
Hi Heather!
I had so much fun "invading" yours and Heidi's blogs tonight! The banner is pretty basic but I really love this font, don't you? :) I hope you like it! If you want something more vavoom..lemme know! :) Enjoy!
I had so much fun "invading" yours and Heidi's blogs tonight! The banner is pretty basic but I really love this font, don't you? :) I hope you like it! If you want something more vavoom..lemme know! :) Enjoy!
Bring Your Pet to Blog Day
things I love right now:
1. Rainbow sherbert with chocolate syrup
2. Watching Starting Over
3. Talking to my friend Lorissa on the phone
4. Chai tea from Trader Joes
5. 80 degree weather everyday
6. The new Kelly Clarkson song
7. Nightly foot rubs from John
8. Watching the previews when I go to the movies
9. Eating peaches, I love them right now
10. Reading "Life of Pi" very slowly