New blog
Ok everyone, head on over to my new blog, Five Sweetpeas The talented and amazing Joleen created it for me. I love it and thank you a ton Joleen. This blog will still be here if anyone is interested in looking at my archives, but from now on I'll be posting over there. See you there. Love Heather.
HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!We named him Rocky and he is the sweetest little baby. He looks exactly like Stella when she was born. He weighed 9lbs 4oz, which is exactly what Jack weighed. He was born on Thanksgiving morning.
The kids love him and constantly want to hold him. More pictures to come. Have a great weekend everyone.
The Last Few Days and Grateful Friday

You all might getting a little sick of my belly shots by now, I love them though, and since this baby will be coming soon I'm trying to get as many as possible. Ok, I forgot it was Friday almost 2 weeks in a row. So what am I grateful for this week? - John's new job which he really likes.- Watching the "Lost" series finally through Netflix- Jack getting so excited when we let him stay up a little later and watch "mommy and daddy tv" with us.- Spending time with Gretchen and Lorissa yesterday.- Heidi my sis is coming over in a bit and were going to old Sac to look around the shops.- A sweet call from my mom the other day telling me how much she loves me and our family.- Eggnog.- Gaining 40 lbs and sometimes being a bit horrified by it, but mostly not really caring and just accepting it and sort of liking it.- Earrings my sister made for me, they are so cute and I love them.
Leaves are falling, and the rain is pouring right now. We've been making leave piles everyday, the kids love it. Even today, during a pause in the rain, we ran out and raked some leaves up and the kids rolled around in them. John started commuting today. He left and 6 and will be home by 7, hopefully, you never know with traffic though. It's a long day. I miss him, and I know he's going to be tired when he gets home. I know I'm tired. I'm sort of just waiting to go into labor, even though I'm not really due until the 29th, I feel like the baby could come at any time. Last night I had some pretty strong contractions, but they went away. I think we've finally got the names picked out, but John and I are keeping it a secret. I have in my mind that I want John to whisper the name into the baby's ear before we let everyone else know. Have a great week everyone.

Last night we were driving home from church and Jack was chattering away in the back seat about the street lights and the moon and clouds and stars. He was chattering on and on and I was half listening to him and half zoning out. Then it got quiet, for about 5 minutes not a sound from the back seat. The quietly we heard Jack say in a tiny little worried voice, "But I don't want to grow up" and then silence again. I looked at John and then turned to the back seat and asked Jack what he said, and again he said quietly "but I don't want to grow up, I just want to stay little". He seemed really concerned and worried and it broke by heart. We assured him that he is still our little guy and will always be. I just wanted to snuggle up next to him right then, this morning we did, his sweet little warm body wedged in between John and I. I couldn't help but wish he could stay small forever. I have a feeling the new baby coming may have a bit more impact on him than we expected. Jack and Stella are going to need some extra loving, with the move and the baby. Life is going to be a little crazy for awhile. All I know to do is just try to be more gentle and kind and spend special time with them.