four sweetpeas
Today, 3 years ago, at 11:59 am, my little Jack was born. I went into labor Saturday around noon, we decided to go downtown and walk around while and enjoy the early parts of labor. By Saturday night I was having consistent strong contractions.
I labored through the night on into Sunday. By Sunday morning, I was in lots of pain, the contractions were about 4 minutes apart and very strong. We called our midwife, and she said it wasn't time yet. So I labored on. Sunday night I was exhausted, crying at times, and just knew I could not go through this much longer. John called out midwife, and yet again she said she thought it would be awhile longer. I cried, in disbelief, I wanted to go to the birth center NOW!! and have this baby. I labored through the night and finally went in Monday morning. I sat in the birthing pool, walked around, and finally when it was time sat down on a birthing stool and pushed Jack out. It was the longest, most painful and exhausting 48 hours of my life.
The moment he was out I looked at him, I remember just a sense of wonder flow through me, I remember thinking "there was really a baby in me, I did this, I just pushed a baby out of me" It was amazing. Then I remember looking at him and saying "He's so big" He didn't really even look like a newborn to me. He was wide awake, calmly looking around. I laid down with him in the bed, and we started our life together.
Jack today is funny, serious, and LOUD. He actually has always been loud. We've always said he has one volume and that is loud.
He is my special little boy, I love his bright smile and the way he scrunches up his face when he is serious. Today is not just Jack's special day, it's mine. I look at him and see the little boy I saw 3 years ago for the first time, I see the little boy he has grown into, and I see the little boy that one day I'll have to let go of. He is my baby, I am so blessed and honored to be his mother. He has made my life so bright.
Loved your post. Happy Birthday, Jack!
...That was so so sweet and now I can barely see what i am typing with all the tears in my eyes!! i love jack...he is so adorable!
Happy Birthday Jack.....there is just something so sweet about a 'boy'!
I loved this post. Jack is a beautiful little boy and he shines through the internet. Happy Birthday big boy and Happy BIRTH-day to you Heather.
What a lovely post. Jack is a cutie!!
Happy birthday Jack. My son gets such a kick about hearing his own birth story - we always tell it to him on his birthday. His favourite part is when he pops out (and I cluck like a chicken laying an egg! Mad, but effective.
Just beautiful Heather...
great birthday post
and what a cutie...
that little smile.
and i know how you feel
about their birthdays
not just feeling like thier
special day...
it feels special to me too
as in
this is where i was at that time,
this is who i was then...
happy birthday, cutie!
Happy Birthday Jack! Happy (Jack)Anniversary Heather!
He is so beautiful.
happy birthday jack!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! He is beautiful!
what sweet words from mother to son :)
birthday's really are special for the mums.
Happy Birthday :)
This made me kind of weepy. They grow too quickly. It seems like just yesterday Nick was born and he'll be six months ... too soon.
Thank you for sharing these moments with us.
happy birthday Jack!!!
what a gorgeous little man. happy birthday! and love the ice cream cone shot. priceless.
what a sweet heart!!! happy birthday jack!!
Beautiful post!
Happy Birthday Jack!
Congratulations, he is really cute.
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